Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[SMCNG] Digest Number 722

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)




Posted by: "john sampson" jcsspike@yahoo.com   jcsspike

Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:59 am (PDT)

Recruiter Night Out
On Tuesday evening, September 28th, MIS Network Associates (MNA), IT-Networking, the ETP Network, TENG, The Breakfast Club of NJ, Monmouth Networking, and Careers In Transition (CIT) will host a combined Recruiter Night Out dinner meeting for members, alumni, friends, and guests at The Holiday Inn in Totowa, NJ.  The Recruiter Night Out will include a dialogue with a panel of four recruiters from the venues listed below responding to pre-published questions and ad hoc inquiries from the dinner meeting attendees:
-         Corporate:            TBD
-         Retained Search   TBD
-         Contingency:       Karin Leggemann – CMK Select
-         Cnsltg/Corp:        TBD
The panel will be moderated by Joe Gadino.
Unedited questions for the panel are included below. These questions are subject to editing until Friday, September 24th, when the final list will be published electronically to the previous recipients.  Please return your comments on the questions to John Sampson at jcsspike@yahoo.com ASAP.  The final questions will be available in hard copy at the registration desk the evening of the dinner meeting on September 28th.  Again, ad hoc questions will be accepted by the Moderator during the discussion with the panelists and Joe Gadino may have a few questions for the panelists himself.
The schedule for the dinner meeting on June 28th will be:
-         6:00 to 6:45 pm – Registration, "speed dating", and cash bar
-         6:45 to 7:15 pm -- Introductions
-         7:15 pm              - Dinner
-         8:00 pm              - Panel discussion moderated by Joe Gadino
The informal networking groups are so helpful in networking that we will do the "speed dating" again on the 28th before we sit down for dinner and the general introductions.  Briefly, these informal "dates" consist of up to 4 people and last for 5 to 10 minutes.  At the end of the 10 minutes, the groups break up and new ones are formed with different participants. Suggested dialogues for your "speed dating" encounters will be provided at the registration desk in case you are at a loss for what to say during these conversations.
There will be an opportunity to circulate up to 50 copies of your resume, personal bio, leads, or mother appropriate material in a handout for each participant from the dinner.
The cost will be $30 for everyone if forwarded by mail or other to John Sampson by COB Friday, September 16th at 2 Blackfoot Cir, Wayne NJ 07470.  Checks should be made out to John Sampson who can be reached by phone at 973-248-3251 or via email at jcsspike@yahoo.com.  Reservations can also be made by contacting Lizanne Fiorentino at adminedg@optonline.net but checks must be sent directly to John. 
An initial list of attendees will be emailed to all the RSVPs, members of MNA, the ETP Network, TENG, The Breakfast Club of NJ, Monmouth Ntwkg, IT-Net, CIT and other interested parties the weekend of September 25/26 for initial review and correction.  The RSVP list will facilitate networking at the September 28th meeting and can be used to communicate with attendees in advance or after the dinner meeting. For those attendees who are working, current work affiliation, email address, three previous companies you've worked for/consulted at, professional job interest or position availability must be included in your RSVP.
For those attendees who are in transition, three target companies should be included in your RSVP as well as the type of position you seek.
A "final" numbered RSVP list of attendees will be available along with the pre-published questions and an ID badge at the registration desk on the 28th.  Your number on the final RSVP list should be part of your introduction:  "I'm number x on the RSVP list …". All attendees should have their sharp, crisp, 30 second elevator speech at the ready.  Too many "ahs, dees and doeses" will be cut off unceremoniously. Remember, you and your introduction will be between the rest of the attendees and dinner!
A final RSVP list of the actual attendees will be emailed to everyone who participated by first week in July. The cost of the dinner will be $45 for everyone after September 16th and before COB on September 27th. We will accept a LIMITED number of walk-ins on the 28th.  Anyone who attends on the 28th and whose check has not been received by COB on the 27th will be charged $60 WITHOUT  EXCEPTION. There will be NO refunds and no shows WILL be billed.
Again, bring 60 copies of your bio/resume, leads, or materials you wish to be included in the handout the evening of June 28th.
Directions to the Holiday Inn at One Rt 46 Westbound in Totowa can be found at www.holiday-inn.com/totowanj.
Dues are due for MNA Members.
If you would like to help out at the meeting on the 28th, volunteer to be a "Meeting Marshall".  Call John Sampson at 973-248-3251 for details.  We can use your help!!!
Please join us for what always is a well attended evening of lively discussion, great networking opportunities, and a chance to just catch up.
Draft Questions for Recruiters Night Out  9/28/11
(Pls edit these questions appropriately and return the results to John Sampson)
Industry Related
1.        What is your perception of the current job market in general such as demand for IT, HR, Fin Svcs, and Eng skills for both contract and permanent senior  positions ?
2.        Are there any key industries to target?
a.       growth industries?
b.      specific companies?
3.        Do you see or anticipate any impact on hiring – in financial services or other - as a result of the subprime mortgage and liquidity crunch?
Client Related
4.        What are the top issues or problems that your clients are trying to solve?
a.       most sought after skills?
5.        When a client specifies "hands on"
a.       do you ask for a clarification / definition?
b.      what is your interpretation?
6.        What is your/your client's policy regarding references and Social Security numbers up front? Are they required, what should a candidate do when asked for them?
7.        What makes a resume click with you?  Can you relate any examples?
8.        What can a person do to differentiate themselves?
9.        How important are certifications?  Which ones are in the most demand?
10.     How and how often should candidates stay in touch with you?
11.     Do you use LinkedIn as part of your search process in looking for candidates?  How often  do pictures and a complete profile figure your evaluation of candidates?
12.     How do the agencies actually use the job boards? Monster? Dice? CareerBuilder? What others are favored?
Considering the audience tonight, and the current status of the market as you see it, is there a final piece of advice you would like to offer them about dealing with Recruiters like yourselves?

MIS Ntwk Assoc Mtg Dates:

Aug 30 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 6 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 13th - Tues Reg Mtg - 6 pm - Berman Larson Kane Offices, Paramus - DO NOT use GPS for directions - Get dir from BLK site - Bring 15 copies of your resume

GENERAL:  RECRUITER NIGHT OUT DINNER - Sept 27th Updated/Corrected

Posted by: "john sampson" jcsspike@yahoo.com   jcsspike

Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:59 am (PDT)

Recruiter Night Out
On Tuesday evening, September 27th, MIS Network Associates (MNA), IT-Networking, the ETP Network, TENG, The Breakfast Club of NJ, Monmouth Networking, and Careers In Transition (CIT) will host a combined Recruiter Night Out dinner meeting for members, alumni, friends, and guests at The Holiday Inn in Totowa, NJ.  The Recruiter Night Out will include a dialogue with a panel of four recruiters from the venues listed below responding to pre-published questions and ad hoc inquiries from the dinner meeting attendees:
-         Corporate:            TBD
-         Retained Search   TBD
-         Contingency:         Karin Leggemann – CMK Select
-         Consulting::          Carolyn Mandaro – Mitchell Martin
The panel will be moderated by Joe Gadino.
Unedited questions for the panel are included below. These questions are subject to editing until Friday, September 23th, when the final list will be published electronically to the previous recipients.  Please return your comments on the questions to John Sampson at jcsspike@yahoo.com ASAP.  The final questions will be available in hard copy at the registration desk the evening of the dinner meeting on September 27th.  Again, ad hoc questions will be accepted by the Moderator during the discussion with the panelists and Joe Gadino may have a few questions for the panelists himself.
The schedule for the dinner meeting on September 27th will be:
-         6:00 to 6:45 pm – Registration, "speed dating", and cash bar
-         6:45 to 7:15 pm -- Introductions
-         7:15 pm              - Dinner
-         8:00 pm              - Panel discussion moderated by Joe Gadino
The informal networking groups are so helpful in networking that we will do the "speed dating" again on the 27th before we sit down for dinner and the general introductions.  Briefly, these informal "dates" consist of up to 4 people and last for 5 to 10 minutes.  At the end of the 10 minutes, the groups break up and new ones are formed with different participants. Suggested dialogues for your "speed dating" encounters will be provided at the registration desk in case you are at a loss for what to say during these conversations.
There will be an opportunity to circulate up to 50 copies of your resume, personal bio, leads, or mother appropriate material in a handout for each participant from the dinner.
The cost will be $30 for everyone if forwarded by mail or other to John Sampson by COB Friday, September 16th at 2 Blackfoot Cir, Wayne NJ 07470.  Checks should be made out to John Sampson who can be reached by phone at 973-248-3251 or via email at jcsspike@yahoo.com.  Reservations can also be made by contacting Lizanne Fiorentino at adminedg@optonline.net but checks must be sent directly to John. 
An initial list of attendees will be emailed to all the RSVPs, members of MNA, the ETP Network, TENG, The Breakfast Club of NJ, Monmouth Ntwkg, IT-Net, CIT and other interested parties the weekend of September 24/25 for initial review and correction.  The RSVP list will facilitate networking at the September 27th meeting and can be used to communicate with attendees in advance or after the dinner meeting. For those attendees who are working, current work affiliation, email address, three previous companies you've worked for/consulted at, professional job interest or position availability must be included in your RSVP.
For those attendees who are in transition, three target companies should be included in your RSVP as well as the type of position you seek.
A "final" numbered RSVP list of attendees will be available along with the pre-published questions and an ID badge at the registration desk on the 27th.  Your number on the final RSVP list should be part of your introduction:  "I'm number x on the RSVP list …". All attendees should have their sharp, crisp, 30 second elevator speech at the ready.  Too many "ahs, dees and doeses" will be cut off unceremoniously. Remember, you and your introduction will be between the rest of the attendees and dinner!
A final RSVP list of the actual attendees will be emailed to everyone who participated by first week in October. The cost of the dinner will be $45 for everyone after September 16th and before COB on September 26th. We will accept a LIMITED number of walk-ins on the 27th.  Anyone who attends on the 27th and whose check has not been received by COB on the 27th will be charged $60 WITHOUT  EXCEPTION. There will be NO refunds and no shows WILL be billed.
Again, bring 50 copies of your bio/resume, leads, or materials you wish to be included in the handout the evening of June 27th.
Directions to the Holiday Inn at One Rt 46 Westbound in Totowa can be found at www.holiday-inn.com/totowanj.
Dues are due for MNA Members.
If you would like to help out at the meeting on the 27th, volunteer to be a "Meeting Marshall".  Call John Sampson at 973-248-3251 for details.  We can use your help!!!
Please join us for what always is a well attended evening of lively discussion, great networking opportunities, and a chance to just catch up.
Draft Questions for Recruiters Night Out  9/27/11
(Pls edit these questions appropriately and return the results to John Sampson)
Industry Related
1.        What is your perception of the current job market in general such as demand for IT, HR, Fin Svcs, and Eng skills for both contract and permanent senior  positions ?
2.        Are there any key industries to target?
a.       growth industries?
b.      specific companies?
3.        Do you see or anticipate any impact on hiring – in financial services or other - as a result of the subprime mortgage and liquidity crunch?
Client Related
4.        What are the top issues or problems that your clients are trying to solve?
a.       most sought after skills?
5.        When a client specifies "hands on"
a.       do you ask for a clarification / definition?
b.      what is your interpretation?
6.        What is your/your client's policy regarding references and Social Security numbers up front? Are they required, what should a candidate do when asked for them?
7.        What makes a resume click with you?  Can you relate any examples?
8.        What can a person do to differentiate themselves?
9.        How important are certifications?  Which ones are in the most demand?
10.     How and how often should candidates stay in touch with you?
11.     Do you use LinkedIn as part of your search process in looking for candidates?  How often  do pictures and a complete profile figure your evaluation of candidates?
12.     How do the agencies actually use the job boards? Monster? Dice? CareerBuilder? What others are favored?
Considering the audience tonight, and the current status of the market as you see it, is there a final piece of advice you would like to offer them about dealing with Recruiters like yourselves?

MIS Ntwk Assoc Mtg Dates:

Aug 30 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 6 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 13th - Tues Reg Mtg - 6 pm - Berman Larson Kane Offices, Paramus - DO NOT use GPS for directions - Get dir from BLK site - Bring 15 copies of your resume

LEAD:  Lead BA - NYC - Reference Data - to 140k + bonus

Posted by: "john sampson" jcsspike@yahoo.com   jcsspike

Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:59 am (PDT)

From: Michael O'Brien <michael@obrecruitment.com>
Subject: A Lead Business Analyst position in New York City .... that might interest you..........
To: "'Michael O'Brien'" <michael@obrecruitment.com>
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 7:51 AM

Lead Business Analyst  (Will be in the range of $120-140k on the base
approx, + bonus on top)

(Extensive expertise working on Reference Data projects is a must have for
this position!)

The Lead Business Analyst is responsible for guiding and leading teams in
the review and analysis of requirements and requests that come from areas of
the business, operations and additional users of IT services. Lead Business
Analysts focus on client relationship management and providing internal
clients with accurate reporting of service level agreements, key performance
indicators (KPIs) and operating level agreements with other areas in IT.

Requires an excellent understanding and experience in Reference Data.
Experience with Reference Data Mastering, Exception management, and other
aspects of data management. Good understanding of the support processes and
infrastructure requirements. Experience with workflow applications and
integration of multiple GUI environments via workflow is a plus. Experience
managing diverse group of stakeholders, including the business, operations
and technology at different levels of the organization.

Ability to drive the direction for the Reference Data platform, including
solution design, communication of the solution to the stakeholders, managing
requirements analysis and creation of documentation. Excellent communication
skills both verbal and written.

Tasks / Responsibilities:
Collects and defines business requirements in partnership and collaboration
with the business.
Work with Domain Managers to ensure consistent use and implementation of
Works in close collaboration with functional analysts and application owners
as the business/functional counterpart in solution identification and
Supports the design and conceptualization of new business solution options
and articulates impacts and risks, as identified.
Prepares and creates business case(s) outlining cost impacts and value
drivers of proposed solutions.
Responsible for gaining agreement on solution business requirements with
(domain) architects.
Prepares and documents feasibility studies and estimates.
Participate in the creation of Terms of Reference (ToR) documents and other
related material for projects.
Supports the user acceptance testing (UAT) strategy of the business.
Supports the Business Analyst and/or Domain Manager on the prioritization of
change requests.
Acts as an escalation point for solution issues in the Production
environment and during projects.
Partners with the business to design effective processes.
Collaborates with Application/Service Owners as the Process Manager
counterpart in the management of services (Business Process Management) such
as requests, optimizations, etc.
Owns and manages process repository and is responsible for maintenance of
all processes in the domain/sub-domain (Business Process Management).

Experience | Exposure | Education | Certification
Relevant experience in business analysis and banking processes
Deep knowledge of Reference Data is a must
Experience Party/Client data is a significant plus
Experience in delivering Reference Data Platforms, including Instrument,
Client, or Book
Awareness of industry trends and developments and collaborate to drive
change and continual improvement in Business Analysis
Able to guide teams in documenting business requirements effectively and
Maturity and persuasiveness to engage in business dialogue and support
Ability to work across multiple business groups and domains
Broad knowledge of related business solutions in the marketplace
Ability to balance interests of different stakeholders
Ability to work in virtual teams and in matrixed organizations
Fluent in English (written/verbal)

Education | Certification (Recommended):
Masters Degree from an accredited college or university with a concentration
in Business, Economics or Computer Science (or similar
qualification/equivalent work experience)

Would a position like this interest right now..

Let me know..



Michael O'Brien
OB Recruitment Inc.

MIS Ntwk Assoc Mtg Dates:

Aug 30 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 6 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 13th - Tues Reg Mtg - 6 pm - Berman Larson Kane Offices, Paramus - DO NOT use GPS for directions - Get dir from BLK site - Bring 15 copies of your resume

LEAD:  Sharepoint Admin - NJ - Contract

Posted by: "john sampson" jcsspike@yahoo.com   jcsspike

Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:09 am (PDT)

My name is Joe and I'm an IT recruiter at Mitchell/Martin, Inc.
Position Summary:
The SharePoint Administrator is responsible for the day to day operations for all matters associated with the SharePoint platform. This includes insurance of system health through daily monitoring and planned growth and recommendations, coordination and migration of all custom development with adherence to PLC guidelines and working closely with business stakeholders and insuring adherence to governance model.       

Day-to-day support of SharePoint environments
System monitoring and log analysis
Deploy SharePoint solutions and custom features
Creation of site and list templates
Troubleshooting SharePoint application issues
Document monitoring and maintenance procedures

Excellence in web technologies (Microsoft Platforms and architecture)
In depth knowledge of Microsoft  SharePoint 2007 and 2010 platforms and SharePoint Project Server 2010.
Familiarity with Nintex 2007 and Nintex 2010
Familiarity with DBMS's (Oracle, DB2 and MS Sql Server) and SQL syntax.
Must be experienced with applying service packs and CU updates
Familiarity with the .Net Framework (namespaces and classes).
Creative approach to problem solving, innovation and issue resolution
Superior interpersonal skills and the ability to collaborate actively and proactively with others in a cross-functional team
Ability to communicate effectively in writing, verbally and as a presenter and self-motivated and self-managed
Solid application design and architecture and documentation
Solid knowledge of Internet/Web Protocols (HTTP, TCP/IP, SMTP, FTP)
BSC in Computer Science or equivalent experience and 8 years of IT experience.
The position is located in Jersey City, New Jersey.
If you are qualified, available, interested, planning to make a change, or know of a friend who might have the required qualifications and interest, please email me at jeiseman@itmmi.com , even if we have spoken recently about a different position.
When you respond, please include a daytime phone number so that I can reach you and also your salary requirements, your availability date and your citizenship status.  In considering candidates, time is of the essence, so please respond ASAP.  
Thanks again.
Joe Eiseman
Mitchell/Martin, Inc.
307 West 38th Street, Suite 1305
New York, NY 10018  
Tel: 646-723-7353

MIS Ntwk Assoc Mtg Dates:

Aug 30 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 6 - Tues - No Meeting Labor Day Holiday

Sept 13th - Tues Reg Mtg - 6 pm - Berman Larson Kane Offices, Paramus - DO NOT use GPS for directions - Get dir from BLK site - Bring 15 copies of your resume

PM ERP- 6 months contract to hire opportunity in secaucus, nj

Posted by: "Robert Hopson" bobhopson@ymail.com   robert_hopson

Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:58 am (PDT)

--- On Mon, 8/29/11, Rasika.Chinchanikar@Modis.com <Rasika.Chinchanikar@Modis.com> wrote:

From: Rasika.Chinchanikar@Modis.com <Rasika.Chinchanikar@Modis.com>
Subject: PM ERP- 6 months contract to hire opportunity in secaucus, nj
To: "robert_hopson@yahoo.com" <robert_hopson@yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 10:57 AM

I came across your resume in our internal database. I currently have a contract to hire opportunity with our client looking for someone with your background.  Please advise me of your job status. I look forward to hearing from you.     
We are looking for a highly experienced Program/Project Manager who has 7-10 years of full project lifecycle experience of deploying ERP Solutions Globally with a 100+-Country Rollout with strong stakeholder management skills.  
The ideal candidate will have experience in various aspects of ERP systems integration, with a strong emphasis on Financial Systems. The candidate will also have excellent business process integration experience, with an emphasis on business process engineering. The candidate will understand and be able to articulate the EY business requirements as they relate to ERP systems processes, in order to plan in detail the activities that the IT workstreams will have to perform in order to support the successful deployment of the ERP system in partnership with Key EY Stakeholders and Senior Level Leadership.  The candidate will lead the day-to-day activities of the IT workstreams including supporting Senior Level Leadership with the selection of a System Integrator.]  

2. Please give a high level explanation of the application or technology that this candidate would work.  
[This candidate should be well versed in ERP Technologies, such as SAP, PeopleSoft and/or Oracle]  

3. Description of day to day tasks (please be as descriptive as possible).  
[General Project Management tasks, including: managing a team of Business Analysts and Architects, building a MS Project Plan, managing deadlines and work streams, managing stakeholder expectations, status reporting, etc.]  

4. Describe technical environment (.NET, Oracle, Websphere, etc.)  
[EY Global Systems Architecture, including the EY Global Financial System, Peoplesoft, MS Applications, Lotus Applications, etc.]  

Section C: Technical Skills  
(Required technical skills of a candidate – i.e.VB, Lotus Notes, PeopleSoft, etc. in order of priority)  








[Global ERP technical and/or functional Implementation Experience--at least 5 Global Rollouts (i.e., 100+ Countries) ]  



[     ]  



[Senior Level ERP Project Management Experience]  



[     ]  



[Systems Development Life Cycle Methodology Experience]  



[     ]  



[ERP RFP and/or RFI Experience]  



[     ]  



[ERP Global Template Experience]  



[     ]  


Section D: Soft Skills  
(including but not limited to Written, Verbal and Presentation skills)  








[Exceptional Written, Verbal and Communication Skills]  



[     ]  



[Stakeholder Management Experience]  



[     ]  



[Self-Starter, Able to work independently with little, or no direction]  



[     ]  



[     ]  



[     ]  



[     ]  



[     ]  


Section E: Desirable Skills  
(Skills that are desired but not required.  i.e. nice to have)  



Competency Level  



Competency Level  


[Capability Maturity Model Methodology Experience]  



[     ]  



[Balanced Scorecard Experience]  



[     ]  



[Global, Fortune 100 Experience and/or Big 4 Experience a plus]  



[     ]  


Section F: Additional Information  

1. Desired Educational or Professional Candidate background? (i.e., BS Comp. Science, MCSE, CCIE, etc).  
[BA or BS in Computer Science or related field. 10+ Years Work Experience (preferrably Global Fortune 100 Companies) in ERP Deployments and Implementations.  ]  

2. Other Comments (include travel requirements, if any):  
[Position based in Secaucus; some International travel may be required. ]  
  Rasika Chinchanikar
Resource Developement Manager
Phone: 732-529-2002
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