Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[CNG] Digest Number 2082[1 Attachment]

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



Fw: Complimentary Webinar Recordings for the Week of 9/6-9/12

Posted by: "y jao"   yjao88

Tue Sep 7, 2010 5:12 am (PDT)


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute <>
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 6:04:14 AM
Subject: Complimentary Webinar Recordings for the Week of 9/6-9/12

If your email program has trouble displaying this email, view it as a Web page
The following webinar recordings can be accessed at no
charge from September 6th through September 12th.

Webinar Recordings
* General Principles of Cost Estimation
* The Psychology of Customer Satisfaction
* A Primer on Function Points
Learn More About
Automated Project Office
Computer Aid (CAI) revolutionary new product, APO lets you take total control
over your IT projects. Read More »
Managed Maintenance
Free your existing programmers to work on mission critical development. You can
do that, and save money at the same time. Read More »
Grow Leaders, Not Managers
Most organizations have too many managers and not enough leaders. But leadership
skills can be taught. CAI's unique "Catalyst" program trains your organization
to become industry leaders. Read More »
ITMPI Surveys
The ITMPI has selected you to take a survey. We value your feedback. Please
select a survey based on your job responsibility and then take a minute to
answer five questions. Thank you!

CIO Survey
IT Director Survey
Project Manager Survey   General Principles of Cost Estimation
Presented By Brad Clark
This webinar with Dr. Brad Clark discusses approaches to estimation, from the
simple to the complex, with examples. Brad also delves into the Achilles' heel
of any estimation method: sizing the work to be done. By the end of the webinar,
you will understand all of the challenges in creating a credible estimate.

back to top
The Psychology of Customer Satisfaction
Presented By Naomi Karten
In this webinar, Naomi Karten will describe several key principles of customer
satisfaction. She will offer insight into the customer perspective and describe
policies and practices that contribute to (or, alas, detract from) customer
satisfaction. And she'll help you appreciate the low-cost, easy-to-implement
measures you can take, starting immediately, to create and maintain a high level
of customer satisfaction.
back to top
A Primer on Function Points
Presented By David Garmus
This webinar presentation by Sheila Dennis and David Garmus will discuss how the
Function Point metric can be used by organizations worldwide to accurately size
systems in an effort to meet customer demand on time and within budget. Function
Points have proven to be an effective "yardstick" in their ability to normalize
software measures and enable organizations to measure across industry.
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FW: AITP Meeting - Microsoft Office 2010 - Tuesday, September 14

Posted by: "Brian Mecca"   bd_mecca

Tue Sep 7, 2010 10:03 am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Brian Mecca included below]

For those of you who know me, I am a member of AITP, serve on the board and
will be at this meeting.

Please RSVP to Doug Hobby ( if you will be attending.
We need an accurate head count.

Brian Mecca




TUESDAY, September 14, 2010

PLACE: Microsoft Office

101 Wood Ave South, 9th Floor

Iselin, NJ 08830

(Garden State Pkwy, exit 131A)

Microsoft Offices Phone #: 732-476-5571

TIME: Networking/Social. 5:30 PM

Dinner ............. 6:30 PM

COST: Members ......... $20.00

All others ......... $25.00

This is important for planning purposes: please let Doug Hobby (
<> know if you will be

PROGRAM TOPIC: Microsoft Office 2010

SPEAKER: Ira Fuchs, Microsoft Corp.

Mr. Fuchs' agenda:

* Overview of what is new among all the Office 2010 Applications

o (E.g. Backstage, Print, Info Pages and Ribbon customization)

* Detailed review of new Outlook 2010 features and capabilities

* Overview of Office 2010 integration with SharePoint 2010

o (Includes Office Web Applications)

Ira Fuchs is a SharePoint Technical Specialist in the NY District. Prior to
joining Microsoft formally in 2005, he was a consultant for the BizTalk
Server, Customer Care Framework and InfoPath product teams. In this capacity
he wrote white papers and performed competitive analyses. Ira is extremely
enthusiastic about Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010, especially the latter's
Enterprise platform development capabilities. He continues to write for
Microsoft and recently published an InfoPath white paper. He also is nearing
completion of a book on how to develop apps using SharePoint 2010.



* The meeting will be catered and the food served buffet style. For
members, the cost is only $20. ($25 for non-members.)

* Assuming you will be using the GSP to get to the site, take exit
131A and proceed west on Wood Ave to 101, a short distance pass the Hilton

* A raffle will be held for a complete Office 2010 software package


From: Doug Hobby []
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 12:33 PM
To: GSChapter AITP
Subject: AITP Meeting - Tuesday, September 14

To: AITP - Garden State Chapter Members and Friends

Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 14th at the Microsoft
Office in Iselin, NJ (101 Wood Avenue South, 9th floor.) Please consider
attending, especially those of you who work and/or live in the East Central
area of NJ.

The meeting topic is Office 2010 and the meeting will be catered, so there
is no need to worry about dinner. A door prize will be raffled off also.
Please see the attached for directions, the meeting details and other
Chapter news. I especially want to point out the opportunity offered to
unemployed ITers to join the organization at a huge discount. Again, see
the attached for details.

It is important that we get a relatively accurate headcount for the meeting.
So please let me know if you will be attending. I look forward to seeing

Doug Hobby
President, AITP - Garden State Chapter

Attachment(s) from Brian Mecca

1 of 1 File(s)


Mark your Calendars - The Breakfast Club NJ - Saturday September 11t

Posted by: "Brian Mecca"   bd_mecca

Tue Sep 7, 2010 3:42 pm (PDT)

Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Breakfast Club
meeting Saturday August 14th. Networking at 7:30 am, meeting starts
promptly at 8:00 am.


Days Hotel Conference Center

195 Rt. 18, #South

East Brunswick, NJ 08816


This Month's Topic: RECRUITERS & HIRING EXECUTIVIES: How to sell them
successfully the first time.

For people in job transition, the HR department is not the main gatekeeper
limiting a candidate's ability to generate interviews and job offers. It's
not even lack of industry experience. Rather, it's the Executive
Recruiter's and the Hiring Executive's desire for basic information at the
beginning of the search process as well as quality "sales support" materials
during the interviewing process.

This program will discuss the two most common impediments preventing
candidates from getting interviews and meaningful job offers; one of which
is little known. Topics include: the basics of the hiring process, who is
your customer and what motivates them, how best to position yourself against
the competition, how to communicate your value, and the 6 best strategies
for closing the interview.


Bring a pencil, pad and an open won't be disappointed!

About the Speaker: Lloyd L. Feinstein, president, Career Marketing
Consultants of New Providence, New Jersey; co-author of Career Changing: The
Worry-Free Guide, a book which has received wide acclaim including
syndication by The New York Times, excerpted by The Wall Street Journal and
Success Magazine, and selected as one of the top 10 career books by USA
TODAY. In the last 26 years, he has counseled and re-packaged over 200
executives from Chem-Pharma, FENG (Financial Executive Network Group), and
the IERG (International Executive Resource Group-NYC) besides working with
numerous professionals at all levels and industries.

Information on The Breakfast Club NJ: (
<> )

There is information below on the location, other information, etc. There
is a meeting fee of $10 to help us cover the cost of the hotel conference
room for the meeting.

Go to <> for more information and how to join the
Yahoo group. You can join the yahoo group at anytime; you do not need to
have attended a meeting. You can also attend meetings at anytime without
having joined the yahoo group.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next breakfast
club meeting Saturday August 14th. Networking at 7:30 am, meeting starts
promptly at 8:00 am.


Days Hotel Conference Center

195 Rt. 18, #South

East Brunswick, NJ 08816


There is a fee of $10 at the door to cover the cost of the room

More on this great topic and our meetings logistics in general can be found
at our website - <>

We look forward to seeing everyone let's make this a great meeting for our
members that are in transition and welcome those that have landed

1 - Make sure you come with the 60 second elevator pitch - honed - including
your targeted companies, your value proposition, etc.

2 - If you are not already a member of our linked in and Facebook groups
please join

3 - Once linked to our groups - link to each other - a strong network is a
vital component to a successful job search

4 - If you are a member and new to transition send a brief message to the
group (from the email you joined the breakfast club from)
thebreakfastclubnj@ <> introducing yourself - and what companies you are targeting
- we have 2500+ members that will respond with help where they can

Best regards,


Keep the faith, keep networking, never give up, never say die.

That position you are looking for may be just around the corner, but you
have to go look for it, it is not going to come to you.


Brian D. Mecca | 1073 Hetfield Ave| Scotch Plains NJ 07076-4609 | U.S.A. |
Home: 908-233-2525| Cell: 908-418-2838 | <> |


Mark your Calendars - The Breakfast Club NJ - Saturday September 11t

Posted by: "Brian Mecca"   bd_mecca

Tue Sep 7, 2010 7:04 pm (PDT)

There is a Correction on the date below. It is Saturday September 11th,
2010 at 7:30 AM

Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Breakfast Club
meeting Saturday September 11th. Networking at 7:30 am, meeting starts
promptly at 8:00 am.


Days Hotel Conference Center

195 Rt. 18, #South

East Brunswick, NJ 08816


This Month's Topic: RECRUITERS & HIRING EXECUTIVIES: How to sell them
successfully the first time.

For people in job transition, the HR department is not the main gatekeeper
limiting a candidate's ability to generate interviews and job offers. It's
not even lack of industry experience. Rather, it's the Executive
Recruiter's and the Hiring Executive's desire for basic information at the
beginning of the search process as well as quality "sales support" materials
during the interviewing process.

This program will discuss the two most common impediments preventing
candidates from getting interviews and meaningful job offers; one of which
is little known. Topics include: the basics of the hiring process, who is
your customer and what motivates them, how best to position yourself against
the competition, how to communicate your value, and the 6 best strategies
for closing the interview.


Bring a pencil, pad and an open won't be disappointed!

About the Speaker: Lloyd L. Feinstein, president, Career Marketing
Consultants of New Providence, New Jersey; co-author of Career Changing: The
Worry-Free Guide, a book which has received wide acclaim including
syndication by The New York Times, excerpted by The Wall Street Journal and
Success Magazine, and selected as one of the top 10 career books by USA
TODAY. In the last 26 years, he has counseled and re-packaged over 200
executives from Chem-Pharma, FENG (Financial Executive Network Group), and
the IERG (International Executive Resource Group-NYC) besides working with
numerous professionals at all levels and industries.

Information on The Breakfast Club NJ: (
<> )

There is information below on the location, other information, etc. There
is a meeting fee of $10 to help us cover the cost of the hotel conference
room for the meeting.

Go to <> for more information and how to join the
Yahoo group. You can join the yahoo group at anytime; you do not need to
have attended a meeting. You can also attend meetings at anytime without
having joined the yahoo group.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next breakfast
club meeting Saturday September 11th. Networking at 7:30 am, meeting starts
promptly at 8:00 am.


Days Hotel Conference Center

195 Rt. 18, #South

East Brunswick, NJ 08816


There is a fee of $10 at the door to cover the cost of the room

More on this great topic and our meetings logistics in general can be found
at our website - <>

We look forward to seeing everyone let's make this a great meeting for our
members that are in transition and welcome those that have landed

1 - Make sure you come with the 60 second elevator pitch - honed - including
your targeted companies, your value proposition, etc.

2 - If you are not already a member of our linked in and Facebook groups
please join

3 - Once linked to our groups - link to each other - a strong network is a
vital component to a successful job search

4 - If you are a member and new to transition send a brief message to the
group (from the email you joined the breakfast club from)
thebreakfastclubnj@ <> introducing yourself - and what companies you are targeting
- we have 2500+ members that will respond with help where they can

Best regards,


Keep the faith, keep networking, never give up, never say die.

That position you are looking for may be just around the corner, but you
have to go look for it, it is not going to come to you.


Brian D. Mecca | 1073 Hetfield Ave| Scotch Plains NJ 07076-4609 | U.S.A. |
Home: 908-233-2525| Cell: 908-418-2838 | <> |

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