Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1.
- Fwd: The Cache: 237 Jobs for NY Tech Pros From: Peter Lutz
- 2a.
- Fwd: NYC SPIN September 21 - Ed Yourdon: Beautiful Software From: Peter Lutz
- 3.
- Fw: No cost LinkedIn web and live seminars From: Ann Bergquist
- 4.
- FW LEAD: Urgent need for Document Analyst From: Ann Bergquist
- 5a.
- 9/16 - Galvanizing Your Workforce and Energizing the Business: Harne From: Alicja Lisnow
- 1.
Fwd: The Cache: 237 Jobs for NY Tech Pros
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Sat Sep 4, 2010 2:03 pm (PDT)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Rothenberg <matthew@nyctechnologyladder. >com
Date: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:16 PM
Subject: The Cache: 237 Jobs for NY Tech Pros
[image: - The Most $100K+ Jobs] Here's what's news
from NYCTechnologyLadder, *Peter*,
If you're reading this Friday afternoon, you obviously don't know how to get
a running start to a Labor Day weekend!
The economy's as warm as New York today, and even the true believers at
Google are starting to think about getting out and looking around ... Like
just about every other employer, Google is sweating the post-recession game
of musical chairs<http://www.technologyladder. >thatcom/rds?et_ id=1694936972& dest=http: //techcrunch. com/2010/ 09/01/google- making-extraordi nary-counteroffe rs-to-stop- flow-of-employee s-to-facebook/ &link_id= 1163
may drain the company of A players.
Google seems most worried about new kid Facebook, if the media's to be
believed, but statistics show that good old Microsoft is tapping more Google
employees<http://www.technologyladder. >thancom/rds?et_ id=1694936972& dest=http: //www.linkedin. com/company/ google/statistic s?goback= .cps_12832901953 45_1&link_ id=1165
any whippersnapper social-media company.
If *Google's* worried about retention, you can be sure there are tech jobs
to be had in New York. And to prove my point, here are 237 new NY-area
jobs<http://technology.theladders. >thatcom/findjobs? et_id=1694936972 &sign=y&link_ id=1164
posted to TechnologyLadder as of noon today.
What would you ask New York's most successful technology entrepreneur?
Hear what's next in NYC tech from *Kevin Ryan, Chairman of Gilt Groupe and
former CEO of DoubleClick*, at our next NYCTechnologyLadder event
Save the date: September 29th, 2010 in Midtown
*Prescription for IT success*
Let's start with this tasty troika of six-figure New York tech jobs
available on the site this week. (For a complete list of job titles, click
here <#12ad90812425c6db_DisciplineList> .)
*NYU Langone Medical Center* Center is an academic medical facility that
comprises NYU School of Medicine and three hospitals: Tisch Hospital, Rusk
Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine and NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases.
This distinguished New York medical institution on Tuesday put out the call
for a *Vice President, IT Infrastructure &
Engineering<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379895& sign=y&link_ id=1166
*, to reimagine its IT infrastructure. The position, which reports to the
CIO with a secondary report to the CTO, covers servers, networks, telephony,
data center and disaster recovery, desktop engineering and customer service,
and other shared platforms and services. You'll need at least 12 years of
enterprise tech, four of them managing more than 100 people.
When it's not busy picking off Google employees, *Microsoft* is pushing the
goodness of its new technologies to customers throughout the country. Case
in point: The company's in the market for an *Account Technology
Strategist<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2373696& sign=y&link_ id=1167
* to support four major New York accounts that include packaged goods,
hospitality and retail. If you have experience in the healthcare industry
and more than seven years selling technology to enterprise accounts, you can
be a Softy, too.
And reverse-commuting to Stamford, Conn., monster, monster analyst *Gartner
Inc.* is seeking a *Vice President, Product Development and
Management<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2373591& sign=y&link_ id=1168
*, to help the company extend its product roadmap far beyond Interstate 95.
You'll need to create innovative new products, chart their success and
support their sale. Apply now, and you could be toasting your career success
at Bobby V's!
*Hired! John Ord*
On the surface, it might look like John Ord got lucky.
After a relatively short job search, he was offered an opportunity to be the
cloud manager for an IT services company in New York with a prestigious list
of clients. Now he's at the forefront of a hot technology discipline and
working with some of the world's leading financial companies.
"This is the trend to be in, in this business," John says. "This is the
right place at the right time."
What's more, John never really applied for the cloud manager job. Instead,
he succeeded on the strength of his wider networking efforts.
John treated his job search like it was a full-time job. He woke at 6 a.m.
Monday to Friday, went to the gym, showered, ate breakfast and hit the job
boards at full speed at 8 a.m. Breaking only for lunch, he'd work his
network, research the job market and talk to recruiters all day long. By 5
p.m., Ord would have applied to 20 to 30 jobs.
"I spent the whole day looking for jobs," Ord said. "By doing that, I got my
resume to lots and lots of recruiters."
The manual effort was helpful, but the resume, he said, was his secret
Without writing a new one from scratch, Ord tailored his resume to each job
application by working from a "master resume" that detailed all his skills
and experience. When he found targeted jobs that met his requirements, he
cut extraneous information from this master document and submitted the
relevant details. The system allowed him to send targeted resumes to
multiple job postings quickly.
"The more kinds of resumes you can get out there ... the more opportunities
will come your way," he said. "And be aware of the broad range of skills
that you offer. ... You get out what you put in. It is a numbers game."
Here's hoping the numbers pay off for you next week ... Enjoy the long
weekend, and we'll see you back here next Friday!
So Say We All,
[image: - The Most $100K+ Jobs]
Matthew Rothenberg,
Editor-in-Chief, TheLadders
*Meet your NYCTechnologyLadder team!*
We're here to help with any questions that you might have! Call any of us
directly at (212) 201-9026!
*Alisha Mrugal*
Certified Career Coach
(212) 201-9026
*Mike Mittelmark*
Resume Analyst
(212) 201-9027
*Ryan Devlin*
Talent Specialist
*Charles Black*
Job Search Consultant
(212) 201-9026
*Alexander Koveos*
Job Search Consultant
(212) 201-9026
*Mallory Labriola*
Job Search Consultant
(212) 201-9026
*If you need our assistance, please pick up the phone and give us a call!
(212) 201-9026 *
We can help you with:
1. Your resume
2. Your elevator pitch
3. Your job search strategy
4. How to use TheLadders effectively
5. Much more! Give us a call at (212) 201-9026
*Jobs by
Specialty*<http://technology.theladders. >com/findjobs? et_id=1694936972 &sign=y&link_ id=1172
- SW Design/Dev <#12ad90812425c6db_SW+Design/ Dev>
- Databases <#12ad90812425c6db_Databases>
- Prof. Svcs/Consulting <#12ad90812425c6db_Prof.+Svcs/ Consulting>
- Quality Assurance <#12ad90812425c6db_Quality+Assuranc e>
- Sales/Technical Support <#12ad90812425c6db_Sales/Technical+ Support>
- Networks & Systems <#12ad90812425c6db_Networks+ &+Systems>
- Electrical/Electronic
Engin.<#12ad90812425c6db_Electrical /Electronic+ Engin.>
- IT Mngmnt and Project
Mngmnt<#12ad90812425c6db_IT+ Mngmnt+and+ Project+Mngmnt>
*SW Design/Dev*
*Senior Core Java Developer
(3302)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378498& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Server Software
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382082& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*SAP Mobile Business Solutions Architect or
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377987& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Unix/Linux Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2318852& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Java Trading Systems
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2289156& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Lead C# Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377487& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Multifactor Model Developer
(4458)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379280& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Sr. C++ Developer
(3428)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380561& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*C / C++ Developer
(4461)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379027& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*COGNOS Software
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379041& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Java Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2310441& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Information Services
*Senior C++ Software Engineer
(4460)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379058& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Software Engineer
(303589-787)<http://www.technolo gyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2318390& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, New Media
*C# Developer - Structured
Products<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379323& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Java / J2EE
Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377534& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Oracle PL/SQL and SQL
Server<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382403& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Java Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378820& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, e-Commerce
*Oracle PL/SQL and SQL
Server<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382404& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*C# Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377288& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*UI Designer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383948& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Manufacturing / Diversified
*Core Java/J2EE Engineer
(4026)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380622& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Front End Web Developer
(4201)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380625& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Sr. Developer -- Mobile
Platforms<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2376275& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, New Media
*SQL Database Developer
(4203)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380628& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Elite C++ Programmer
(3321)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380630& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Cognos Developer with Sybase
(4293)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378842& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*.Net Application
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382426& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*User Interface Engineer / Javascript /
Adobe<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2384474& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Senior Software Engineer -
105917<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2376032& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Applications Management Engineer
(4438)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379617& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Quantitative C++ Developer
(4012)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380646& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*J2EE Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383718& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Natural Language Processing
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383720& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*.NET / Java Web Application
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377835& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Apps Dev Technical Specialist -
10024557<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2384235& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Java Developer
(4303)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380140& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Information Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382957& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Front Office GUI Team Lead
(4154)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379631& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*J2EE Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383728& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Front Office Quantitative
Analyst<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377591& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Java/C++ Software Engineer
(3727)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380151& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Java Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383737& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Senior J2EE Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383743& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Senior J2EE Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383744& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Senior Java Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383745& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Senior Database (SQL) Developer -
MMBW<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381959& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior C++ Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2309517& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Core Java Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377875& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Developer Tech lead- .Net
GUI<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2301332& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Director/ Ecommerce Website / Front
End<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381728& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Natural Language Processing
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383780& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Hedge Fund Programmer
200K+<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2297768& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*C# Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380971& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Core Java Developer
(4456)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378414& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*C++ API Software
Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381999& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Core Java / J2EE Application Developer;
Oracle<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377907& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Fixed Income Core Java / J2EE Application
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377908& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Product Risk Rating Rules Engine Development Lead -
10008866<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383797& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Pre Sales Solution Architect - IT
Services<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381752& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*FX Options Developer
rk2519<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380988& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*JAVA Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380991& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Information Services
*GUI Web Developer
(4447)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378435& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Kdb+/Java Developer
rk2520<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382019& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Lending MI & Syndication Analyst
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380997& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Solutions Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2375879& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*C++ GUI Software
Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382024& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Sr. Tech Developer (J2EE, Webservices, TIBCO) -
10002345<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383817& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Application Developer
III<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378443& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Publishing & Printing
*C++ Programmer
(3726)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380497& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Project Development
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381778& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Internet Services
*Senior Server Software
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382041& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Sr. C++/ Java Developer - Finanical
Services<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379482& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Insurance
*Technical Lead / Senior
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381786& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Internet Services
*Perl Database Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382554& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Developer - 3992_Developer_NJ<http://www.technolo gyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377435& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Exchange Connectivity Specialist
(4152)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378979& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*PHP Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2384357& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, e-Commerce
*Microsoft Developer
(3885)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378982& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*C++ Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2310375& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Information Services
*Java / Oracle Developer, Production
Support<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377962& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Web Developer / Designer -
105104<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2375919& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Business Services
*Senior Engineer -
106548<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2375923& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consumer Electronics
*WPF Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2227187& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, e-Commerce
*Senior .NET Developer
(4459)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379252& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*WPF Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2227188& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, e-Commerce
*Core Java Developer / Fixed
income<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2301686& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*SAP Mobile Business Solutions Architect or
Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377983& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Sr. Oracle Developer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2376209& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Life Sciences & Research
*Experienced SQLSERVER (2000 2008) DBA with Oracle
(8i-)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2331411& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Experienced SQLSERVER (2000 2008) DBA with Oracle
(8i-)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2331412& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Experienced SQLSERVER (2000 2008) DBA with Oracle
(8i-)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2331413& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Experienced SQLSERVER (2000 2008) DBA with Oracle
(8i-)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2331414& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Senior Oracle and Essbase Developer
(4155)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379626& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Analytic & Forensic Technology - Data Analytics Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2334598& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*UNIX Administrator<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2305694& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Sybase / SQL Database Developer
(4266)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378954& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Director - Data
Warehousing<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378973& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Information Services
*Prof. Svcs/Consulting*
*Manufacturing & High Tech
Consultant<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2232583& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP PP - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2275081& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP CRM Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263316& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Siperian Senior
Advisor<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382104& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP FI/CO Manager - NEW
GL<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2341657& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*TVM - Threat & Vulnerabitliy - Advisors & Sr.
Advisors<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2262043& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP LSHC SD - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2274845& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Data Feed Management Business Analyst
(4301)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380633& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Manager of Infrastructure - Data Center &
Cloud<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2227547& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Manager of Infrastructure - Data Center &
Cloud<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2227548& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Oracle Apps Consultants<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2326635& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Oracle Apps Consultants<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2326637& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*SAP SCM Demand Network Planning -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380925& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP SCM Demand Network Planning -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380926& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP SCM Extended Warehouse Management - Senior
Advisor<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380931& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP SCM Transportatioin Management - Senior
Advisor<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380937& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Director Solution Architecture - MS Dynamics CRM
(OC110)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382232& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Director Solution Architecture - MS Dynamics CRM
(OC110)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382245& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*SAP HRT - Payroll / Time -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2274982& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP LSHC PP - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2274996& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP PM - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2275002& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Senior Data Center Consulting
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377920& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Enterprise Content Management
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2310337& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP IS-Oil / TSW -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2270146& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Enterprise Content Management
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2310340& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Solution Architect - MS Dynamics CRM
(OC115)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382300& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*SAP Treasury FS - CM -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2275039& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Engagement Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377448& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, e-Commerce
*Solution Architect - MS Dynamics CRM
(OC115)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382313& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*S&O Infrastructure Operations - Outsourcing Advisory Services - Technology
Senior Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2254068& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP PP - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2275061& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Quality Assurance*
*QA<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382111& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*SI - Functional and Test
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2307620& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Manual QA Analyst / FIX Specialist (UNIX)
(4130)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380623& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Build / Release Engineer - Maven is a
must<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382955& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Manager - Threat & Vulnerability Management
TVM<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2339528& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Software Test Lead<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2384382& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Sales/Technical Support*
*Technical Support
Director<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2375943& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Field Marketing Manager
(Korea)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382619& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Semiconductors
*Solutions Architect, Converged
Communications<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380573& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Pre - Sales Product Support Specialist
(3647)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380621& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Application
Support<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2299126& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Networks & Systems*
*Linux Low Latency Systems
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380049& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*.Net and C# - Capital
Markets<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382400& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Business Rules Management System tool
(ILOG)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382401& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Director, Technology Planning
100363<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378589& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Business Services
*Network Engineer w/Cicso
Experience<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377592& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Information Services
*Sr. Oracle-DB / 2 Database
Administrator<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380688& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Sr. Solaris / Linux Systems Engineer
(4407)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378657& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Director, Data Analysis & SAS
Programming<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383791& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Insurance
*Senior Data Analyst / SAS
Programmer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2384058& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Insurance
*Network Team Manager /
CCIE<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381765& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Senior WAN Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377930& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Aircraft Systems
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383830& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Leisure and Travel
*Aircraft Systems
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383835& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Leisure and Travel
*Linux Engineer
(4320)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380518& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Web Administrator - IBM
Websphere<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2266601& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Energy / Utilities
*Web Administrator - IBM
Websphere<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2266603& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Energy / Utilities
*Web Administrator - IBM
Websphere<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2266604& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Energy / Utilities
*IIS Administrator
(4428)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378989& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Senior Network
Engineer<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381811& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Electrical/Electronic Engin.*
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2264365& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP APO Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2316522& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP APO Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2316523& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2316534& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2316535& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2316542& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2316543& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*IT Mngmnt and Project Mngmnt*
*MSSB - Technical Project Lead for Investment Products and Markets
Technology (IPMT) - Capital
Market<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380545& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*SAP SRM - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276099& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP A&D PS - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263302& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP APO - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263304& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP APO - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263311& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP CRM Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263318& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP CRM / TPM Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263320& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP CRM Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2264344& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Ambulatory PM<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383906& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Patient Care
*Enterprise Data Management Life Sciences - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2343220& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP A&D CO - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263093& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Business Intelligence / Data Warehousing Life Sciences - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2339893& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP LSHC Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276409& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP FICA - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2264378& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP FICA - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2264386& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP LSHC Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276419& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP FICA - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2264388& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP LSHC Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276422& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263111& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP CRM - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263113& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP CRM / TPM Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263371& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Business Intelligence / Data Warehousing - FSI Insurance - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2336077& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Business Intelligence / Data Warehousing - FSI Insurance - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2336078& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP BPM - Director<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383953& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SI - Solution Integration
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2307154& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*BA / SQL DATA Analyst<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2382674& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Director, Software
Development<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378580& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*Business Intelligence / Data Warehousing
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2266452& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP A&D GTS - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263132& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*TS&A IT Strategy & Effectiveness - Manager CIP
Retail<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2267493& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Director of Implementation - Online Advertising,
Metrics<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380134& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Online Advertising & Marketing Services
*Director of Technology<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378857& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Electronics
*Business Intelligence / Data Warehousing Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2266481& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Vice President, IT Infrastructure &
Engineering<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2379895& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Patient Care
*SAP A&D IM / WM -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263159& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Director of Engineering<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2342007& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Advertising & Marketing Services
*Infrastructure Project
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377337& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Director of Engineering<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2342010& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Advertising & Marketing Services
*Head of Software
300K+<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2297724& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Organization & Talent Technology Adoption Sr.
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2305149& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Development Lead / Manager /
Architect<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2265222& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263191& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Program Manager / Product Manager - Market
Data<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377880& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*Global Program Manager (GPM) - Latin
Americas<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2378394& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Telecommunications
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263201& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP MM - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276258& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP HRT - Payroll / Time -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2274979& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP PP - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276259& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263204& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Program Manager, Sr Manager BFS, Global
Consulting<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2377138& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*Organization & Talent Technology Adoption Manager - Consumer
Products<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2303155& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP IS - Oil FICO -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2274487& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP MM - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276283& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP FICO - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276290& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP PP - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276291& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Global Program Manager
(GPM)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2376135& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Telecommunications
*Senior Consultant Solution Architecture -
OD300<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2328007& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*SAP A&D PP - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263247& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Project Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2375888& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Software
*SAP Treasury FS - CM -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2275026& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Oracle C& IP Process & Industrial Products-
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2329045& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP Treasury FS - CM -
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2275034& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Performance Management Technologies Life Sciences - Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2343130& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*SAP APO - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2263260& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Business Analyst, Web Applications
(4151)<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2380509& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Financial Services
*MSSB - Technical Project
Lead<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2381791& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Internet Services
*Senior Consultant Solution Architecture -
OD300<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2328032& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, IT Consulting/Services
*SAP PS - Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2276077& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Manager, Project Management -
Payments<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2383086& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Publishing & Printing
*SAP APO Senior
Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2264822& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Consulting
*Program Manager<http://www.technologyladder. >com/job/la? et_id=1694936972 &cr=2267385& sign=y&link_ id=1253
*, Education
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Peter Lutz
"Bridging the gaps between Business and Information Technology"
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- 2a.
Fwd: NYC SPIN September 21 - Ed Yourdon: Beautiful Software
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Sat Sep 4, 2010 3:34 pm (PDT)
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From: NYC SPIN Announcement Newsletter < >
Date: Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:06 AM
Subject: NYC SPIN September 21 - Ed Yourdon: Beautiful Software
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Posted: 02 Sep 2010 05:00 AM PDT
*The NYC SPIN is thrilled to welcome back world renowned technologist Ed
Yourdon to kick off our 2010-2011 season. The topic: Beautiful Software.
Details below.*
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September <http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
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*Click here to RSVP for the September
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*September 2010 NYC SPIN Meeting Announcement*
********************* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ******* *
*Date:* September 21, 2010
*Time:* 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
*Topic:* *Beautiful Software*
*Presenter:* *Ed Yourdon*
*Location:* Microsoft
********************* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ***
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Meeting<http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
* To manage your registration and/or** membership, follow the instructions
at the top this message.
===================== ========= ========= ========= ========= =====
*Abstract - Beautiful Software*
Obviously, nobody wants to build "bad" software -- i.e., software that's
full of bugs, delivered late, and over budget. And our industry has spent a
great deal of time and energy during the past 40 years (ever since the 1969
NATO conference on software engineering, if not earlier) trying to figure
out how to develop "good" software -- i.e., software that's delivered on
time, under budget, meets the user's needs, and has few if any bugs.
But that's not the same as "beautiful" software -- software that makes you
gasp with delight and shake your head in wonder, not just the first time you
see it, but *every* time. What *is* beautiful software -- how would we know
it when (if) we saw it? Why should we want to develop beautiful software --
and, no, that's *not* a rhetorical question, because it turns out that a lot
of people really don't want to ... or at least don't want it badly enough. *
Who* develops (or has developed) beautiful software? How do they do it? What
should *we* do in order to develop beautiful software?
*Click here to RSVP for the <http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
September <http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
Meeting<http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
*Biography - Ed Yourdon*
< >portraits/ sidebarportrait. jpg
*Edward Yourdon* is an internationally-recognized expert witness and
computer consultant who specializes in project management, software
engineering methodologies, and Web 2.0 development. He is the author of over
550 technical articles and more than two dozen books, including: *Outsource:
competing in the global productivity
race< >Competing- Global-Productiv ity-Race/ dp/0131475711? ie=UTF8&tag= nycspin-20& link_code= btl&camp= 213689&creative= 392969
*; *Byte Wars< >Wars-September- Information- Technology/ dp/0130477257? ie=UTF8&tag= nycspin-20& link_code= btl&camp= 213689&creative= 392969
*; *Managing High-Intensity Internet
Projects< >High-Intensity- Internet- Projects- Yourdon/dp/ 0130621102? ie=UTF8&tag= nycspin-20& link_code= btl&camp= 213689&creative= 392969
;* *Object-Oriented Systems Design: An Integrated Approach*; *Death
March< >March-2nd- Edward-Yourdon/ dp/013143635X? ie=UTF8&tag= nycspin-20& link_code= btl&camp= 213689&creative= 392969
*; *Rise and Resurrection of the American
Programmer< >-American- Programmer- Paperback- Yourdon/dp/ B000L74T0Y? ie=UTF8&tag= nycspin-20& link_code= btl&camp= 213689&creative= 392969
*; and* Decline and Fall of the American Programmer*.
Ed has worked in the computer industry for more than 40 years, beginning
when Digital Equipment Corporation hired him in 1964 to write the FORTRAN
math library for the PDP-5 and the assembler for the popular PDP-8
minicomputer. During his career, he has worked on over 25 different
mainframe computers and was involved in a number of pioneering computer
technologies, such as time-sharing operating systems and virtual memory
Along the way in his long and eventful career Ed founded and was CEO of
YOURDON Inc., an international consulting, software development, publishing,
and training company. He eventually sold that company, which, after
additional mergers and such, is now part of IBM.
Ed is currently CEO of NODRUOY Inc. a computer consulting, publishing, and
research firm based in New York City. He is also the Director of the
Business/IT Trends Service for the Cutter Consortium, of which he is a
co-founder and chairman. He serves as Editor Emeritus of the Consortium's
flagship publication, the Cutter IT Journal.
Ed Yourdon received a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from MIT in 1965 and has
carried out graduate work at MIT and at the Polytechnic Institute of New
York. He has been appointed an Honorary Professor of Information Technology
at Universidad CAECE in Buenos Aires, and has lectured at MIT, Harvard,
UCLA, Berkeley, and other universities around the world. He has been quoted
in and interviewed by numerous newspapers and magazines, including The New
York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, The Christian
Science Monitor, the Boston Globe, The Times of India, Newsweek, and several
computer trade publications. He has also been interviewed on numerous
television news shows and radio programs, including Fox News, the ABC
Evening News, CNBC, and National Public Radio.
According to the December 1999 issue of Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense
Software Engineering, Ed Yourdon is one of the ten most influential men and
women in the software field. In June 1997, he was inducted into the Computer
Hall of Fame, along with such notables as Charles Babbage, Seymour Cray,
James Martin, Grace Hopper, Gerald Weinberg, and Bill Gates. Ed is widely
known as the lead developer of the structured analysis/design methods of the
1970s, as well as co-developer of the Yourdon/Whitehead method of
object-oriented analysis/design and the popular Coad/Yourdon OO methodology
of the late 1980s and 1990s. He was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the
Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering in 1988
for his contributions to the promotion of Structured Methods for the
improvement of Information Systems Development, leading to the CASE field.
He was selected as an Honored Member of Who's Who in the Computer Industry
in 1989. And he was given the Productivity Award in 1992 by Computer
Language magazine, for his book Decline and Fall of the American Programmer.
* *
*Click here to RSVP for the September
Meeting<http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
* Directions
* Microsoft
1290 Avenue of the Americas
(between 51st and 52nd Streets)*
* **
**Click here for a map* (will launch new
window)< >#JnE9eXAuMTI5MCt BdmVudWUrb2YrdGh lK0FtZXJpY2FzJTJ jK05ldytZb3JrJTJ jK05ZJTdlc3N0LjA lN2VwZy4xJmJiPTU 0LjQzNjg1Mjc3MTg xNTglN2UtNDQuMjk 4ODU4NjQzJTdlMjM uNDMxMDM2OTg2Mjc yJTdlLTEwMy41Mzc xMzk4OTM=
*By Train/Subway*
* **
Not all trains run at all times and subway schedules are subject to change.
For current schedules, weekly service advisories and maps, contact the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) at (718) 330-1234 or visit the
subway section of the MTA Web Site <>.
*The following are nearby subway stops:**
B,D,F,M to 47th-50th St./Rockefeller Center
N,R,Q to 49th St. (at 7th Avenue)
1,A,C,E to 50th St. (at 8th Ave)
E to 7th Ave (at 53rd St)*
*Click here to RSVP for the September
Meeting<http://nycspin201009-news.eventbrit >
===================== ========= ========= ========= ========= =====
To manage your registration and/or membership, follow the instructions
at the top this message.
===================== ========= ========= ========= ========= =====
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Peter Lutz
"Bridging the gaps between Business and Information Technology"
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- 3.
Fw: No cost LinkedIn web and live seminars
Posted by: "Ann Bergquist" annber55
Sat Sep 4, 2010 4:51 pm (PDT)
The introductory session is free.
Ann Bergquist uist
--- On Wed, 9/1/10, Jan Vermeiren <connect-with-us@networking- >
From: Jan Vermeiren <connect-with-us@networking- >
Subject: No cost LinkedIn web and live seminars
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 10:09 AM
Dear Ann,
Many people wonder what to do with LinkedIn. That's why I wrote "How to REALLY use LinkedIn".
Since the information in the book is so important and especially in these times where many people are looking for a new job, new customers, new employees and ways to do their job faster, I gladly share my knowledge through web seminars.
If you have never heard of a web seminar or webinar: this is a training session you can attend in front of your own computer. So you don't have to go anywhere.
The next LinkedIn Fundamentals web seminars (= an introduction webinar in English or in Dutch) will be held (at no cost) on Thursday September 16.
For people who want to go deeper we also have a new offering: LinkedIn Steps to Success - a series of 4 "advanced" webinars, both in English and Dutch.
This is the program:
Session 1: How to Create an Attractive Profile
Session 2: How to Build and Expand Your Network
Session 3: Personal and Company Branding
Session 4: Finding New Customers
You can attend just one or two of these sessions or sign up for the whole series at a discount.
Remark: if you can't attend a session, but sign up for it anyway, you will receive the recording afterwards.
To find more details or register for the LinkedIn Fundamentals webinar (at no cost) or one of the sessions of the LinkedIn Steps to Success Webinar series (for a fee), go to the Open Courses page on the Networking Coach website (there you can also see the timing). If you are interested, act fast since last time the 1000 available seats were gone in a couple of days.
Have a great networking day!
PS: it's OK to mention this web seminar to your colleagues, friends, clients, suppliers, fellow students and all other people who have a Profile on LinkedIn and ask themselves: why am I on this website? How could LinkedIn benefit me?
PPS: if you live in the Netherlands and speak Dutch, you might also be interested in attending one of our LinkedIn Live seminars (several sessions at no cost and for a fee).
Jan Vermeiren, founder
Networking Coach
Ekkersgatstraat 1 bus 2
2840 Rumst - Belgium
Tel/Fax: +32 (3) 216 27 47
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- 4.
FW LEAD: Urgent need for Document Analyst
Posted by: "Ann Bergquist" annber55
Sat Sep 4, 2010 4:55 pm (PDT)
From Ann Bergquist uist
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 15:21:19 -0400
Subject: Urgent need for Document Analyst
My name is Abul and I'm a recruiter at Artech, a global staffing and IT consulting company. We are constantly on the look out for professionals to fulfill the staffing needs of our clients, and we currently have a job opening that may interest you. Below is a summary of the position.
Job Title: Document Analyst
Location: Basking Ridge, NJ
Duration: 6 months
Job Description:
Must be experienced and proficient in project management and have excellent technical writing skills and experience.
Must have excellent organizational skills and be very familiar with run book documentation.
There are 90+ servers to migrate and we will require documentation for each one.
Excellent communications skills.
Excellent leadership skills.
Good Technical writing skills.
There may be some nights or weekend work required.
Must have their own Laptop, preferable HP brand.
If you believe you're qualified for this position and are currently in the job market or interested in making a change, please give me a call as soon as possible at (973) 967-3487.
You may respond to me via email but please be sure to include your direct phone number so I can reach out to you quickly. In considering candidates for our various positions, time is of the essence and we are committed to responding to our clients promptly.
If you have not worked with Artech in the past and would like to know more about our company and what to expect when applying for a job with us, click on our FAQs or Get Started! page for a step-by-step explanation of our hiring process.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read and respond to this message.
Best Regards,
Abul Khair
(973) 967-3487
About Artech
Artech is an employer-of-choice for over 4,000 consultants across the globe. We recruit top-notch talent for over 40 Fortune 500 companies coast-to-coast across the US, India, China and Mexico. We are one of the fastest-growing companies in the US, and this may be your opportunity to join us!
Want to read more about Artech?
Click here to visit our website or click on the following links to read what others are saying about us: Better Business Bureau, Hoovers, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine, Inc., Entrepreneur, eWeek, Smart Money, NMSDC, dBusiness News, Diversity Careers.
Note: You are receiving this e-mail because your resume was posted to one of the many Internet job sites and is listed as active or you had submitted your resume to us.
If you are not currently seeking employment, or if you would prefer we contact you at some later date, please follow the link below to unsubscribe or to indicate your date of availability.
- 5a.
9/16 - Galvanizing Your Workforce and Energizing the Business: Harne
Posted by: "Alicja Lisnow" a_lisnow
Sun Sep 5, 2010 4:39 am (PDT)
Details on
Galvanizing Your Workforce and Energizing the Business: Harnessing the Power of Stories
Good stories entertain and inform. Great stories inspire and challenge. This is true in our personal lives. It’s also true in business.
Effective business stories convey the values and beliefs of an organization. They illustrate experiences that reinforce an individual and collective sense of purpose, meaning and vision. If all we need is an appeal to the intellect, data and charts will suffice. But when we need to generate the kind of energy and enthusiasm that celebrates who we are and what we can accomplish, we turn to stories. Stories lift us by harnessing head, heart and hand. They invite us into experiences that connect us directly with not just the storyteller, but with those around us.  There is power in storytelling â€" so how can we capture it?
Join us on September 16 at the Olde Mill Inn in Basking Ridge to learn more about this important topic. This is a joint event of the North New Jersey and Mid New Jersey ASTD chapters.
September 16, 2010Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5:30 pm to 8 pm
Olde Mill Inn
225 Route 202, Basking Ridge, NJ, 908-221-1100
Agenda: Â Â Â
5:30 - Networking
6:00 - Chapter Business
6:15 - Program
8:00 - Networking & Meeting Adjourned
Laura Queen, our featured speaker for the meeting is the Chief Learning Officer at Teva Pharmaceuticals.  Teva Pharmaceuticals is a global pharmaceutical company specializing in the development, production and marketing of generic and proprietary branded pharmaceuticals as well as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Teva is among the top 15 pharmaceutical companies and among the largest generic pharmaceutical companies in the world.
In this presentation, you will learn:
·        What the best business stories have in common
·        Which stories have the most appeal
·        How to craft and share winning stories- the beginning, middle and end.
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