Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[itroundtable] Fwd: 2 part job hunting class being offered @ the Warren Township Library on October 2, 2010


to register online:

Job Hunting Essentials @ Your Library (Two-part class)
Saturday October 2, 2010
10:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Meeting Room 1
Our popular job hunting class is back!  Many of our patrons have attended our classes and learned how to make themselves stand out in today's competitive job market - why not be next?

Part one of the program will consist of an introduction to Warren Library's print and online resources that are best appropriate for a job seeker. 

The second part of the program will feature a Certified Human Resources professional who will offer tips for creating effective resumes and cover letters.  Effective interview techniques will also be discussed.  

We will break 30 minutes for lunch, so feel free to bring your own brown bag!

For more information about this program, please call the Adult Services Desk at 908-754-5554 ext. 32.

Registration required. 

When registering online, please be sure to fill out ALL contact information fields. Failure to do so may result in our being unable to contact you should the program be canceled or rescheduled. Thank you.

 Help us help you!  Be sure to fill out the 'How did you hear about this?' field so that we can better meet your needs.


----- Original Message -----

The Warren Township Library at 42 Mountain Blvd., Warren, NJ is offering for the 5th time its Job Hunting Essentials Class
Please encourage your members to attend.  I've included information below as well as attached a flyer with pertinent details.

Job Hunting Essentials @ Your Library (Two-part class)
Saturday October 2, 2010
10:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Meeting Room 1
Our popular job hunting class is back!  Many of our patrons have attended our classes and learned how to make themselves stand out in today's competitive job market - why not be next?

Part one of the program will consist of an introduction to Warren Library's print and online resources that are best appropriate for a job seeker.

The second part of the program will feature Certified Human Resources professional, Lisa Chenofsky Singer, who will offer tips for creating effective resumes and cover letters.  Effective interview techniques will also be discussed. 

We will break 30 minutes for lunch, so feel free to bring your own brown bag!

For more information about this program, please call the Warren Township Library and ask for the Adult Services Desk at 908-754-5554 ext. 32.

Adult Services/cd
Warren Library
42 Mountain Blvd
Warren, NJ 07059

908-754-5554 x 32
Fax 754-2899

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