Thursday, February 25, 2010

[CNG] Digest Number 1908

Messages In This Digest (10 Messages)



FW: Risk Business Analyst - NYC

Posted by: "Tom Bley"   pierres1010

Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:00 am (PST)

Please contact Nicole directly. Good luck.

Best Wishes,

Tom Bley

Project / Program Manager
Cell (973) 919-1252

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 09:44:04 -0500
Subject: Risk Business Analyst - NYC

My name is Nicole Capone, I am a Technical Recruiter with Software Guidance & Assistance. I came across your resume and wanted to know more about your current work situation and also let you know about an opportunity that I think you may be a good fit for. Please take a look at the description I have attached below and see if it is a position that may be of interest to you. If so, please feel free to e-mail me with a Word version of your resume and the best way to reach you.

Risk BA

One of SGA抯 premier financial services clients in NYC is looking to expand the use of the Risk Data Warehouse currently being used for the Energy business across other business lines in New York, Toronto and London. There is a need for experienced BAs to be part of the project team. This is a long term contractor position ?12+ months. The successful candidate will:

Liaise with business users and document function requirements for the Risk Data Warehouse
Liaise with development staff
Create QA test plans
Assist in QA and User Acceptance Testing
The successful candidate will have:

A proven track record in implementing Data Warehouses in Financial Services
Prior BA experiences including gap analysis, use case documentation and project management.
Participated in project execution using the Agile Methodology
Working knowledge of SQL to query data.
A basic understanding of Market Risk concepts especially in Fixed Income, Rates and FX
A background in financial services

Nicole Capone
Software Guidance & Assistance, Inc.
200 White Plains Rd.
Tarrytown, NY 10591

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Lookup Candidate

JOB: [CNG] Risk Business Analyst - NYC

Posted by: "Eric Nilsson"   eric_s_nilsson

Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:39 am (PST)

[] On Behalf Of Tom Bley
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 9:58 AM
To: Tom Bley
Subject: [CNG] FW: Risk Business Analyst - NYC

Please contact Nicole directly ( Good luck.

Best Wishes,

Tom Bley

Project / Program Manager
Cell (973) 919-1252

<> View Thomas Bley's profile on


Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 09:44:04 -0500
Subject: Risk Business Analyst - NYC

My name is Nicole Capone, I am a Technical Recruiter with Software Guidance
& Assistance. I came across your resume and wanted to know more about your
current work situation and also let you know about an opportunity that I
think you may be a good fit for. Please take a look at the description I
have attached below and see if it is a position that may be of interest to
you. If so, please feel free to e-mail me with a Word version of your resume
and the best way to reach you.

Risk BA

One of SGA� premier financial services clients in NYC is looking to expand
the use of the Risk Data Warehouse currently being used for the Energy
business across other business lines in New York, Toronto and London. There
is a need for experienced BAs to be part of the project team. This is a long
term contractor position ?12+ months. The successful candidate will:

* Liaise with business users and document function requirements for
the Risk Data Warehouse
* Liaise with development staff
* Create QA test plans
* Assist in QA and User Acceptance Testing

The successful candidate will have:

* A proven track record in implementing Data Warehouses in Financial
* Prior BA experiences including gap analysis, use case documentation
and project management.
* Participated in project execution using the Agile Methodology
* Working knowledge of SQL to query data.
* A basic understanding of Market Risk concepts especially in Fixed
Income, Rates and FX
* A background in financial services

Nicole Capone

Software Guidance & Assistance, Inc.

200 White Plains Rd.

Tarrytown, NY 10591



Video: Good Tips for a older worker looking for a new career.. (Inte

Posted by: "Eric Nilsson"   eric_s_nilsson

Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:43 am (PST)

The following is a video from INternsOver40 in which you may be interested:
nsOver40+%28Interns+Over+40%29> Tips for a older worker looking for a new

Eric Nilsson


FW: [BigMoneyJobs] Java Tibco Developer > Jersey City, $600+ a day W

Posted by: "Tom Bley"   pierres1010

Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:45 am (PST)

Please contact Richard directly. Good luck!

Best Wishes,

Tom Bley

Project / Program Manager
Cell (973) 919-1252

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 16:33:04 +0000
Subject: [BigMoneyJobs] Java Tibco Developer > Jersey City, $600+ a day W2

Can you interview this week or next for this job @ Citigroup �Please Advise.

Java Tibco Developer Contract will last 12+ months in Jersey City, NJ �Pays $600 a day �W2

Send me your resume now for immediate interview >

Richard Smith

212 763 6956

Comsys Recruiting Manager

READ BELOW �Job Details

Title Tibco, Java

Contract is 12+ months in Jersey City, NJ �Pays $600 a day �W2

As part of a new initiative we would be developing a Dashboard/Portal and Data Warehouse to track and manage metrics automatically, over time and in many dimensions. The team is responsible for implementing new application components, integrating existing components for the dashboard/portal and pulling together data from various sources.

Key Requirements

�Strong Java/J2EE background (Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, SOAP, Web Services)

�Extensive experience using web framework like Spring or Struts.

�Proven knowledge of ActionScript 3.0 and experience in application development using the Adobe Flex framework.

�Good knowledge in BlazeDS and Flex Builder 3.

�Experience in Ant/Maven, Log4J, JUnit, Weblogic Application Server and Eclipse.

�Experience in Data Grid middleware (JBoss Cache/ Coherence)

�Knowledge of XML and XML Schema.

�Competency in JavaScript and HTML.

�Knowledge of SQL and databases (Oracle)

�Experience working in Linux and UNIX environment.

�Experience working on portals, dashboards and large scale intranet applications

�Energetic and willing to learn new things

�Ability to work well with others and multitask


Live Long and Prosper!

Richard Smith

Comsys Recruiting Manager

212.763.6956 - more Jobs Lets get Linked-IN


Article: Be Gutsy at [Net]Work (Yahoo HotJobs)

Posted by: "Eric Nilsson"   eric_s_nilsson

Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:15 pm (PST)

Be Gutsy at Work

Tory Johnson, Yahoo! HotJobs

Have you ever been at a work-related function, where you and your cube mate
stand in the corner, sipping cocktails and watching a colleague handshake
his way through the crowd, maybe even hand out business cards?

Maybe you've thought, "What a suck-up."

That may very well be true, but what's also true is that this man or woman,
who is getting acquainted with people in the crowd, may get ahead because he
or she knows how to network. And you're standing there snickering.

How did you meet your best friend? Your significant other? You knew someone
who knew him or her. Or you met at the gym or a bar or online.

We call that networking <> , and anyone
looking for the job needs to get over the misplaced negativity associated
with the word and start doing it.

More Than Showing Up

I used to attend industry functions all the time because I knew it was the
thing I needed to do to get ahead and grow my business.

After scores of functions with no new contacts, I wondered if I really
needed to keep going to these events. I knew that there was something to get
out of them, since successful professionals swore by them.

So I replayed the last few functions in my mind, and a light went on.
Although I meant business when I went to the events, I acted like a
wallflower at a grade-school dance. I would bring a friend with me, and we'd
stand off to the side and watch the action, talking about everyone instead
of talking to them.

I was missing the point of these gatherings and missing opportunities that
were there for the taking because I was clinging to my friend -- as if she
were a warm security blanket.

The Rule of Three

So I set a goal for myself: I couldn't leave until I introduced myself to at
least three people. The first few events I attended after this self-imposed
policy, all three people I approached were waiters.

Finally I admitted that I was only fooling myself. I had to further refine
my mandate: The three introductions had to be among people who were
attending the function as I was. It has made an enormous difference: I have
connected and partnered on projects with dozens of new people as a result.

So next time you're at an event, don't hug that wall: Get up some courage,
hold out your hand, and say "hi" to someone new.

Tory Johnson is the CEO of Women For Hire and the author of "Fired to
Hired." She's also the workplace contributor on ABC's "Good Morning
America." Talk to her directly at



Video: Job Networking Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know (NewGradLife

Posted by: "Eric Nilsson"   eric_s_nilsson

Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:15 pm (PST)

This video from New Grad Life offers tips on Networking: Job
r.html> Networking Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know (video).



Article: Power Naps Boost Your Brain, Study Finds (eWeek Healthcare)

Posted by: "Eric Nilsson"   eric_s_nilsson

Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:18 pm (PST)

Power Naps Boost Your Brain, Study Finds

By: Nathan Eddy <>


Catching a few z's during the middle of the day may improve your memory, a
study by the University of California at Berkley found.

A power nap indeed works to recharge the brain, improving memory, according
to findings of a study on sleep and midday napping by researchers from the
University of California at Berkley. Led by study author Matthew Walker, the
team of scientists compared the results of memory tests after a group of
test subjects took a 100-minute nap versus those who did not.

The findings were announced at the annual meeting of the American
Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Diego.

The results, though preliminary, showed the group that powered down for a
spell during the afternoon did better on the memory test, which was designed
to stimulate the hippocampus, a part of the brain thought to be linked to
memory function. Walker compared napping to clearing your e-mail inbox or
rebooting a computer.

"It's as though the email inbox in your hippocampus is full and, until you
sleep and clear out those fact emails, you're not going to receive any more
mail," he said in a report by British newspaper The Guardian. "It's just
going to bounce until you sleep and move it into another folder."

The study found of the 39 students who participated, the group of 20 that
took the nap performed better on the memory test. The exercise consisted of
matching pictures of faces to names. Walker said those students without a
break fared about 10 percent worse than students who had taken the
100-minute nap. "This is further evidence that sleep plays a critical role
in the processing of memories. It provides more evidence that it's not just
important to sleep after learning, but you need it before learning to
prepare the brain for laying down information," he said.

Walker also suggested humans are not biologically constructed to use their
brains all day long and require a break so the brain can improve absorption
of information. "We've all had that experience of being in meetings after
lunch with people who are clearly drifting off," medical news site reported him as saying. "It's not their fault. It's their

Also at the AAAS conference, The National Sleep Foundation reported that
Americans get an average of 6.5 hours of sleep on weeknights, though 8 hours
are recommended. Both men and women have decreased sleep; 67 percent of
women report having poor sleep at least three nights a week. New studies
show that two hallmarks of older adulthood-decreased sleep and cognitive
decline-may be related. Moreover, sleep interventions can help reduce the
decline in this age group, the foundation said.


Storage Architect needed ASAP

Posted by: "ted.takvorian"   ted.takvorian

Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:48 pm (PST)

A company known as e-brilliance ( has been looking long and hard for a storage architect. The person would work as a consultant in Mount Laurel, NJ on a contract that is likely to last up to one year.

The HR person's name is Cassie Butler. Tell her that I - Ted Takvorian - told you to contact her. Her email address is cbutler <at> e-brilliance <.com>.

Alternatively, TEXT me any questions you have to my cell phone at 908-217-9961. Please do not call me. If your question is involved then I'll call you back.

Cassie has the majority of the details.


Ted Takvorian


Fw: Join us March 9th for a Strategic View on ECM and Microsoft Shar

Posted by: "Ann Garvey"   ann_garvey

Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:49 pm (PST)

Hello Everyone,

An event to consider...

Kind Regards,
�br> Ann Garvey, PMP

�br> From:AIIM Garden State Chapter [] On Behalf Of AIIM Garden State Chapter
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 2:40 PM
To: Talik, Joseph
Subject: Join us March 9th for a Strategic View on ECM and Microsoft SharePoint 2010
AIIM Garden State
�br> �br> > �Special Event
>Presented by
>AIIM International
>Garden State Chapter
>�br> >Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Presentation


Association for Information and Image Management
�March 9, 2010
Topic: A Strategic View on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and ECM
�Gabor Fari, Industry Solutions Strategist, Life Sciences, Microsoft
�Allan Weintraub, Principle ECM Solutions, Perficient
Key Takeaways:
* ECM does not have to cost an arm and a leg!
* Focus on user experience, people and processes
* Learn what are the hot skills in demand
* Elements of a Governance program
* Suggestions on leveraging 2010 to return the best value
* Migration "gotchas"
Meeting Agenda
Registration & hors d'oeuvres
Networking opportunities �5:30 - 6:30 pm
Presentation �6:30 - 8:00 pm
Dessert: Networking opportunities �8:00 - 8:30 pm ��Location:
The Woodbridge Hilton
120 Wood Avenue South
Iselin, NJ 08830
Tel: 732-494-6200
AIIM Members $30
Non-Members $35
On-Site + $10
Register Here!
Joseph Talik
Tom Minero, Chapter Pres.

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AIIM - Find, Control, and Optimize Your Information
1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100, Silver Spring, MD 20910�|�Phone: 301.587.8202�|�Fax: 301.587.2711
AIIM Home Page�|�Contact Us�|�Privacy Policy
�br> 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100, Silver Spring, MD, 20910


Article: Decoding interviewer questions (Find the Perfect Job)

Posted by: "Eric Nilsson"   eric_s_nilsson

Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:52 pm (PST)


The interview is where the job is usually lost, and lack of preparation is
the leading cause. Know the company and know yourself. Anything short of
those and you're sabotaging yourself. Of the two, the one most overlooked is
knowing oneself.

People figure the questions are about themselves, and they know themselves -
so why prepare? After all, it's their own background, so how hard can
answering questions about themselves be? Well, how many times has it
occurred to you to plan your answers in advance ---- but only after you've
blown a few interviews?

Role playing is wise, especially if it's been over two years since you've
been on an interview. It doesn't matter who it's with-your spouse, your
partner, a friend-but do it with someone who knows you well and is employed
in an office environment.

Here are a few typical interview questions you're likely to encounter and
what the interviewer is looking for when he asks them.

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF-Some interviews are lost right at this point. This is
not an invitation to talk for 15 minutes about everything that has happened
to you since you were five years old or since your first job out of college.
Nor is it the time to shrug your shoulders and give an unplanned,
one-sentence answer. Some people, especially those who haven't prepared and
tend to talk when they get nervous, find themselves rambling. Put together a
nice little 2-3 minute verbal bio about your career, your qualifications,
and why you are interested in the job.

WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS?-Do you know? Have you ever given any thought to
this? What do you feel you excel at? What have your supervisors mentioned
are your strong points? What projects or tasks have you performed for the
company that have resulted in an increase in sales or more effective
production or a decreased bottom line? What about non-quantifiable strengths
such as low turnover in your department, which displays the strength of your
management capabilities?

on this one. Saying that you are working on how to delegate sounds much
better than saying you are a control freak. Admitting that you have a
tendency to want things done the right way and are somewhat of a
perfectionist has a much better spin than "I get really angry when my staff
doesn't do something exactly the way I told them to."

infinitely better impression if you can give a list without having to sit
there and think about it for five minutes before coming up with the first
lame thing that comes to mind.

WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? As a recruiter, I found a significant number of people
who had never given this question any thought. The answer to this question
is a primary determining factor in whether you are happy in your job . or
not. The interviewer is looking to see if you will be happy within their
environment. There is no right or wrong answer here. Be honest. If you need
to be motivated by sales contests and they don't run many, then how
effective will you be compared to a company that does?

You can see why going into an interview cold can land you in hot water. Yet
an amazing amount of people continue to wing it then wonder why they didn't
get the job. To find your perfect job takes work. It takes time, focus, and

Role playing can feel ridiculous. But when you do it, and bomb a few
practice questions, you'll find yourself feeling a little less ridiculous
and a lot more comfortable with the exercise.

Source: Perfect Job Newsletter February 25, 2010|Volume iv, issue 5

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