Tuesday, February 23, 2010

[itroundtable] Fwd: New Jersey IIBA March Chapter Meeting


Peter Lutz

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From: "New Jersey IIBA Chapter" <lindafitzgerald@hotmail.com>
Date: Feb 23, 2010 9:16 AM
Subject: New Jersey IIBA March Chapter Meeting
To: <lutzpf@gmail.com>

New Jersey IIBA Chapter
New Jersey IIBA Chapter Event
435 South Street
Morristown, NJ

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March 18, 2010 at 05:30 PM
March 18, 2010 at 07:30 PM
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March 18, 2010 Chapter Meeting Presents

Business Architecture's Role Within Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise architecture consists of four key architectural views: business, application, data and infrastructure. This presentation will introduce all four but will focus on the business architecture. In fact, many of the techniques to be discussed can be used for business modeling alone. However, the benefits increase exponentially when the business architecture is incorporated into the overall enterprise view. The objectives for the presentation explained through a UML model are:
  • How to formally model the business architecture in a precise and unambiguous manner so that it can be related to the other architectural views.
  • How to map the business processes to the underlying technology for both current and future state plans.
  • How to include business requirements and use cases in the business model, making them first class architectural elements.
  • How to trace use cases to the technology elements that realize the use cases.
Terry Merriman is the President and Chief Architecture of OAD Consulting, Inc. He has over thirty years in software development and founded OAD in 2000 to provide consulting and training services in the Enterprise Architecture space.
He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies in the US and Europe, providing training, on-the-job mentoring and "front-line" consulting services on multi-million dollar projects. For the past ten years, he has also worked with clients to create architectural principles and guidelines and supporting toolsets to make designing systems that conform to the principles and guidelines the easiest path to take.
Registration is required. Non-members will be charged $15. Members attend for free. If you are a member, select that option and Pay at the Door. You will not be requested to pay.
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New Jersey IIBA Chapter | 15 Mtn View Rd | Warren | NJ | 07876



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